Monday, March 23, 2009


After Tshabo, we drove about 2 hours to Cintsa on the wild coast. We stayed at the most amazing backpackers, called Buccaneers. As sad as I was to leave Tshabo, I quickly forgot about it. Buccaneers was basically the paradise pictured in every movie in which they show warm climates near the ocean. We stayed in cabins there, but there were also tents for people to camp in. We were up a hill, overlooking a bay that went out into the ocean. Bucs had its own pool, climbing wall, volleyball court, horseback riding, surfing (yes I went again, and I survived), bar, restaurant, gift shop and so much more. Every evening there were group activities that we participated in. We got to know the staff very well, and had an amazing time with them. Hopefully I will be able to post some pictures with my blog, although they don’t do a good enough job of capturing the wonder of this backpackers. If anyone is planning a trip to South Africa, they must make this one of their destinations.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this was when we couldn't get a hold of you. Not happy little lady!
