Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My days

Since living in Langa our days are pretty routine. Every morning I am picked up at my house at 7am in Langa. There are 3 vans that only pick up our students. This has actually been a controversy since there have been serious taxi strikes in South Africa and some private busses/cars have been stoned and burned.

From Langa we drive to Rondenbosch. This can take 15-45 minutes depending on traffic. Our classroom is in Rondenbosch and we usually get there by 8am. Which gives me a half hour every morning to check my email. Class starts every day at 830am. We start by having Xhosa lessons. Those last until 10am. We then have a half hour break. (Chapel break?) At 10:30am everyday we have different topic lectures. Usually these are done by guest lectures which is pretty cool. However, today we will be watching a movie on the Truth and Reconcilation Commission. Those lectures last until 12:30pm. From 12:30-3:30 we have a break. This time I usually go and work out, shower, grab lunch, and then check e-mails. However once a week during this break we have a 20 minute individual meeting with one of the teachers to check in on how things are going. At 3:30pm we split into 3 groups and meet with our Xhosa tutors. We then have Xhosa until 5pm. At 5:15pm we head back to Langa. When I get home I usually play with my host siblings, do homework, eat, and watch tv. The days are pretty routine and not that exciting. However it is fun to feel as though one comes home to a family.

Sorry this was not more detailed, but I have to go start class.

If you ever have any questions, just comment on the post and I will do my best to answer/describe things better.

1 comment:

  1. Ummm with the risk of the bus being stoned and burned and the 45 mins of traffic can you just walk? I don't like that strike, the makes me nervous. You should go try and negotiate peace talks for them.
